Underarm Sweating

Excessive underarm sweating (also referred to as hyperhidrosis), can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable problem.
The condition can last a lifetime if left untreated and can often affect our lifestyle choices – for example, preventing a sufferer from participating in activities that might exacerbate sweating.
Botulinum toxin is more commonly associated with the treatment of lines and wrinkles of the face. However advanced techniques can also be used to treat hyperhidrosis.

Excessive Face and Neck sweating

Excessive face and neck sweating (also referred to as hyperhidrosis), can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable problem.
The condition can last a lifetime if left untreated and can often affect our lifestyle choices – for example, preventing a sufferer from participating in activities that might exacerbate sweating.
Botulinum toxin is more commonly associated with the treatment of lines and wrinkles of the face. However advanced techniques can also be used to treat hyperhidrosis.

To treat excessive face and neck sweating, botulinum toxin works by blocking the secretion of the chemical that activates sweat glands. The treatment is not a cure for hyperhidrosis – it only provides temporary relief and needs to be repeated every three to six months for maximum effect. The protein injected into the skin blocks the nerves that supply the eccrine glands; thus preventing the glands from producing sweat.

Overall the procedure is relatively quick and painless.

Please note we cannot treat pregnant or breastfeeding patients with botulinum toxin.

Patients will start seeing and feeling the results at 1-2 weeks after having the treatment.

Patients are recommended to have the treatment every 6 months to receive the best possible results. A plan for regular follow-up treatments to maintain the initial result can be created bespoke for you by our team of experts

Dermapen offers unrivalled needling innovation with its original, exclusive and patented technology.  Using its unique spring-loaded Microderm Needle Cartridge  harmoniously glides over the skin providing the most efficient control, safety and comfortable possible. Using this patented technology helps reduce discomfort for the client and is very quick and over in minutes on each area be covered.

Most clients that have received Dermapen have said the procedure was less painful than Dermaroller. Dermapen has more control and works by penetrating at a 90 degrees angle on the targeted area, compared to a Dermaroller that penetrates at a 45-90 degree angle.

How Does
It Work?

To treat excessive underarm sweating, botulinum toxin works by blocking the secretion of the chemical that activates sweat glands. The treatment is not a cure for hyperhidrosis – it only provides temporary relief and needs to be repeated every three to six months for maximum effect. The protein injected into the skin blocks the nerves that supply the eccrine glands; thus preventing the glands from producing sweat.

Overall the procedure is relatively quick and painless.

Please note we cannot treat pregnant or breastfeeding patients with botulinum toxin.

When can I expect to see results?

Patients will start seeing and feeling the results at 1-2 weeks after having the treatment.

Patients are recommended to have the treatment every 6 months to receive the best possible results. A plan for regular follow-up treatments to maintain the initial result can be created bespoke for you by our team of experts.


The treatment involves a small number of carefully placed injections. The feeling is not painful, however some patients do feel ‘mild discomfort’ as the needle works it’s way through the skin.

We use very fine needles; most people tolerate the treatment well and do not require any topical anesthetic (numbing cream).

Book an appointment

Book an appointment with us today. Fill in the form, and one of our skincare experts will be in touch soon.  Alternatively feel free to call us directly

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Why Choose Medikas

Natural Ethos

We believe that through natural enhancement we can make our customers look and feel their best

bespoke treatments
Bespoke Treatments

We provide a comprehensive range of services and solutions to promote good skin health and treat the signs of ageing

highest quality
Highest Quality

Our professional team work closely together to ensure our customers receive the highest quality care and customer service



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We are highly trained experts and innovators within the aesthetic
field dedicated to the safety and care of our patients

Meet the team

We are highly trained experts and innovators within the aesthetic field dedicated to the safety and care of our patients

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